Jimmica Collins, photo by Raftermen Photography for the ASO

Jimmica Collins, photo by Raftermen Photography for the ASO


A unique, immersive family show —Your orchestra provides the musicians, we’ll provide the rest!

Inspired by Sergei Prokofiev’s Peter & the Wolf, this version developed specifically for toddlers will have them playing like ducks, catching a wicked wolf, and engaging with live music all along the way.

Featuring 2 Teller Productions Storytellers and plenty of puppets.

30 Minute Program

Musicians Required: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn

Space Requirements: Dependent on audience size set by presenter.

Technical Needs: Two wearable microphones.

Take Home: Family Activity guide with information on the music and activities pertaining to the program.

Kennedy Center for Performing Arts Performance Guide

Kennedy Center for Performing Arts, November 2023

Photos by Derek Baker

Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Fall 2018

Video by Raftermen Photography

Kennedy Center for Performing Arts, November 2019